LEWISTON — Lewiston Education President Elizabeth Dulac presented Susan Grondin with the Geneva Kirk Service Award for 2009 at Lewiston Middle School.
Grondin has been an active member of the local, state and national education associations throughout her career. She has served on various committees and as an officer at all levels. She has also demonstrated the highest ethical and professional ideals as an educator.  
Grondin is the chair of the Maine Education Association Benefits Trust and has been a delegate to the National Education Association and MEA Representative Assemblies for many years. 
She has been a political activist for education and students in Augusta. She is a member of Mu Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma, a society promoting excellence in the classroom and community service.
Grondin mentors many new staff members, helping them attain professional certification. She is a model for inclusion in the classroom, including co-teaching and she has invited MLTI instructors into her classroom to help with technology integration.
She volunteers time to supervise intramural athletics for children and devotes many hours to helping students with academics and social issues after school. She has developed a pilot program for career awareness at the middle school, coordinated a Thousand Word Project with Bates College and she serves as a chaperone for the job shadowing project with community partners.

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