Why is it necessary for the City of Lewiston to send out the street sweepers in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT? Waking up to beeping at 1 a.m. is not my idea of a good night’s sleep! Go to bed, guys…
— Anonymous
People in line who can’t make up their minds. Last night I waited in the rain while a mother and three kids couldn’t figure out what they wanted at the Dairy Joy. It was so bad, I left and drove to the Lewiston Dairy Joy. And some idiot was having the same problem over there. People, make a decision!  It’s just empty calories!
— Richard
My gripe is that we have a beautiful, well-kept “park.” Lots of people are enjoying it, but looking at the ugly gazebo top kills the beautiful look. Please do something about it this year. It can’t be that expensive to scrape and paint it. Love my “park.”
— Claudette
Is there something that really irks you? Something about your job, your family or the stuff you have to deal with every day? Share it. E-mail your peeves to bmail@sunjournal.com or mail them to Sun Journal, attn: b section, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04240, and we’ll print them here. Please keep your gripe to under 60 words.

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