LITCHFIELD — The next summer guided bird walk conducted by the Stanton Bird Club will be held on Wednesday, July 1, on a private farm owned by Ina Small. The farm has extensive fields, lush woodlands and a pond, which will be open to the public during this event only. 
The summer walks are taking place every other Wednesday at a variety of diverse local habitats and is free and open to the public. 
Stan and Joan DeOrsey, who identify and comment on birds seen or heard, are leading walks. At this time of year, walkers can expect to see woodland species such as warblers, thrushes and woodpeckers as well as field residents like swallows, bluebirds and possible bobolinks. 
Those interested should meet at 8 a.m. at the Promenade Mall, 855 Lisbon St., parking lot in front of Staples. The group will be at the walk site at approximately 8:30. Walks will end by 11 a.m., but participants may leave early. If it is raining at 7 a.m. and predicted to continue through 10, the walk will be canceled. 
Walks are approximately two miles on an even and relatively dry surface. For more information, contact the DeOrseys at 933-2266 or e-mail 
The next walks will be on Wednesday, July 15, at Beaver Park in Lisbon, and Wednesday, July 29, at McCorrison’s Farm in Greene. 
The Stanton Bird Club is a conservation organization offering monthly free natural history programs and field trips throughout the state.  For more information, call 782-5238, visit the Web site at or e-mail questions to 

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