It seems to me that the political atmosphere in Andover has gotten out of hand. People should be able to disagree on subjects without “taking sides.” It is possible to disagree in a calm manner with respect for the other person. It doesn’t mean that person must like everyone, but at least be respectful.
The majority of Andover townspeople get along great. There are, however, a few, rather vocal ones who make others uncomfortable, to say the least.
The latest controversy is the recall petition for Selectman Susan Merrow. The petition appears to meet all legal requirements to be put before the town’s voters. The remaining selectmen have been advised by an attorney from the MMA and the town’s own attorney, that the recall must be put to a vote. Apparently there are people who believe the selectmen should not obey the laws they are sworn to uphold.
Town residents need to think about the situation. It is important.
Leon Akers, Andover

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