The nation is beginning to see President Barack Obama’s “Hope and Change” programs emerge.
Already, he has tripled the deficit.
Five major U.S. companies are now government owned, in bankruptcy or shut down — all this after only five months.
His proposed health care reform will increase the country’s deficit by trillions of dollars, while health care will become rationed with reduced quality of care — along the same lines as the Canadian and British government-run plans.
His proposed cap-and-trade legislation is designed to destroy the nation’s economy.
While people worry about nukes in Iran and missiles aimed at Hawaii by North Korea, President Obama and his energy czar are busy changing light bulbs in the White House.
My “hope” is that others are as angry and terrified of that man and his “changes” as I am, and will join in protesting the madness.
George Jones, Otisfield

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