Is there something that really irks you? Something about your job, your family or the stuff you have to deal with every day? Share it. E-mail your peeves to or mail them to Sun Journal, attn: b section, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04240, and we’ll print them here. Please keep your gripe to under 60 words.

Why do restaurants crank up the air conditioning, even on cool days?
In some establishments it’s freezing. Reduce it a little, save on electricity costs, reduce energy consumption, and enable the customers to eat their meals without mittens.


Once again I purchased a product that I won’t buy again. You can’t spend too much time checking ingredients in front of a store freezer! Calories (200), fat (2%), cholesterol (34%) but sodium 1,330 mg = 56%! Inside packaging revealed farm raised shrimp from Thailand and who knows where the veggies were from.

– Concerned (Are we doing with food what we did with oil?)

In response to a reader’s comments on 7/19 about cars “merging” on the interstate and drivers in the the “driving lane” not letting them in, there is one little thing left out. The drivers on the on ramp have a big triangular sign that say “Yield” which means “yield right of way,” which means that the cars already on the highway have the right of way, and the cars on the on ramp need to enter with caution when it is is safe, and not “force” their way onto the highway by making other cars slow down for them. They need to “yield,” but somehow the meaning of that word has been lost.

My peeve is TV programs that have such loud background music that you can’t understand what the actors are saying. – SB

People that don’t put their headlights on when it’s raining. Don’t they know that it’s the law?

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