SUMNER — The West Sumner Universalist Church is preparing for another busy summer session.

A food sale will be held from 11 a.m. to noon Sunday, July 19. Anyone interested in baking a favorite sweet is invited to do so.

Christenings will be held on Sunday, July 26, with the Rev. Scott Jones presiding. Anyone wishing to have a child christened should contact Pauline Kirschner at 388-2020.

Chances on silent auction items will be available each Sunday after church services. The winners will be announced on Sunday, Aug. 30. Anyone who has something to donate may contact Kirschner.

Summer services start at 11 a.m. with a coffee hour following.

The schedule of speakers this year brings back most regulars, plus some new faces. Beth Chaffee will once again provide music on the organ.The schedule is as follows: July 12, the Rev. Vaikko Allen; July 19, the Rev. Herbert Adams; July 26, the Rev. Scott Jones; Aug. 2, the Rev. Richard Beal; Aug. 9, lay speaker, Bernice Martin; Aug. 16, the Rev. Robert Wolf; Aug. 23, lay speaker, Rodney Abbott; and Aug. 30, the Rev. Nancy Micoules.

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