In response to Virginia Durr’s letter of Jan. 28, I feel she did not go far enough.

This country has been headed down the wrong road for many years, be it under the Republican or Democratic party.

Health care reform has been so watered down that it will do nothing but benefit the drug and health insurance companies. The country is in debt up to its ears. Both political parties are there every night to turn down the blankets, fluff up the pillows and crawl into bed with big companies and their campaign money. The Supreme Court has made it easier for them to dish out more.

It appears the Republicans are against everything the Democrats propose, which is nothing, but their party didn’t accomplish anything when they were in control, either. Neither party does anything to serve the people. They argue for their own interests and gains.

Only when the people of this country say enough is enough, vote out the current Congress, put in new faces with new ideas who will work with the president for the good of the country and all its people, then things will change.

If not, we are leaving the children of today and their children an unknown future.

One must remember that this country is for the people, by the people — not incompetent politicians.

Blaine Ray, Farmington

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