I would ask those who voted for the “Chosen One” — how’s that “Hope and Change” working?

As we’re driving along roads that should have been paved years ago because there are no funds, I hear 30 miles of passenger rail service from Brunswick to Portland will be built, at a price of $35 million.

Yup, after I have my shocks and front end re-aligned, I’ll have less than change in my pockets.

Guantanamo remains open, although the American people were promised it would close by January.

The public now owns a prison in Barack Obama’s home state of Illinois; and terrorists might be tried in New York City.

Obama was going to begin pulling the troops out of Iraq within 10 months. Instead, he has escalated the war in Afghanistan. Now we are losing in both places.


Transparency in government — yeah, remember the health care bill that was negotiated behind closed doors? If passed, it would force people to buy insurance or go to jail, except for the few states that got nice add-ons: Louisiana, $300 billion; Nebraska, $100 billion; Connecticut; $100 billion, etc.; but Maine, yup, bupkus!

Obama was going to veto any bill that contained earmarks, yet the stimulus package had more than 800 earmarks. Some went to ACORN. People in Maine got “stimulated” by having Interstate 295 re-paved for the hundredth time.

That’s hope and change for you!

Duane Dumont, Winthrop

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