Recently, I found out from a friend that a medical marijuana warehouse may be located in the town of Poland. My friend stated that she had asked Poland’s town manager if that was true and he told her that it was, and that there had been no public outcry about it.

Why were the taxpayers of Poland never asked if we wanted this in our town? Many residents voted against this at the polls, and now our tax dollars are supposed to be used to police this thing?

I don’t think so.

Who is going to be paying for the security of such a building but the people who voted against marijuana in the first place? Isn’t there something wrong with that?

There are other medications out there that are meant to handle the symptoms marijuana is used for. I believe that those need to be made more available at a reasonable cost so that the average person who needs them can afford them.

Let’s make the medicine we already have more available and use God’s help to handle those symptoms, not a sin item that can and does destroy lives.

I urge citizens of Poland and other towns to contact their planning boards and let their voices be heard.

Betty Prindall, Poland

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