Car enthusiasts will tell you that one of the best ways to maintain that new car look is to keep up with a frequent washing schedule. Removing road grime and other plagues of automotive paint on a routine basis keeps a car looking its best.

There are some rules of the road when maintaining the exterior of a vehicle to ensure the finish remains in pristine condition. Keep in mind these dos and don’ts.

DO use products specifically designed for automobiles. Household cleansers may be good at removing dirt, but they may also strip off the protective wax on the car.

DON’T wash the car while it is hot, after it’s been sitting out in the sun a while or directly after it’s been driven. The warmth can cause the water and soap to dry faster, leaving unsightly deposits.

DO wash off dead insects, road salt, mud, etc., as soon as possible. Otherwise these substances may stick to the paint and cause erosion.

DON’T assume the rain will clean the car. In areas with acid rain, it’s actually essential to rinse a vehicle off after it rains to prevent damage.

DO move the sponge lengthwise along the vehicle. Swirling the sponge may cause tiny scratches.

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