NORWAY — Oxford Hills people will give a send off to three Maine people heading off to Cuba on July 6. Under the auspices of the Maine group Let Cuba Live and Pastors for Peace, they are taking humanitarian supplies donated from Maine and Quebec. Tom Whitney of South Paris, local organizer for Let Cuba Live, says anyone wanting to celebrate this important event should be at Christ Church in Norway at 6 p.m. on Friday, July 1.

Those on hand will be served a Cuban/Peruvian meal and Maria Cron’s highly acclaimed flan. A program follows of music, brief remarks and a showing of the Cuban film, “People to People,” which documents the work of Pastors for Peace and the history of the Friendshipments.

Maria, Crystal and Heather Cron will travel with this year’s version of the Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan. Let Cuba Live has supported the caravans since they began in 1992. In sending donated humanitarian supplies to the island, Pastors for Peace protests the U.S. Cuban embargo, in effect now for half a century.

The Friendshipment Caravans, joined each year by more than 100 supporters, travel to Cuba acting in the tradition of nonviolent civil disobedience. The three Maine travelers will arrive in Tampico, Mexico, where they will help put the supplies into a Cuban ship and go on to Cuba for a week of educational and solidarity activities.

For more information, visit or There will be an opportunity to make donations to help with travel expenses and costs of sending aid material.

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