DEAR SUN SPOTS: High Street Congregational Church recently changed some lighting within its building. We have a large supply of new and used fluorescent lamps to give away to another nonprofit organization.

We have 20 new plus 100 used but still working properly F34T12 Econ-o-Watt 48 inches long, also 24 new plus eight used F30T12 Econ-o-Watt 36 inch. We also have used Universal and Advance ballasts. Please call Don at 212-7028 for more information. Thank you. — Judy, Auburn

ANSWER: Sun Spots feels sure you will find plenty of takers for those lights.

Another option would be to donate them to the Maine Building Materials Exchange. It’s a terrific way to reduce, reuse and recycle. You can find them at 102 Lisbon Road, Lisbon, ME 04250, 636-7670,

The exchange accepts new and reusable materials and then resells them. Anyone is welcome to shop there, with low- and moderate-income individuals and families receiving a significant discount. Visit their website for more details.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: My brother, who now lives in Arizona, recently sent me an email requesting that I buy him three or four cans of Belles of Maine fiddleheads. I looked at or called quite a few stores to see if they had them. No one does. Could Sun Spots or readers find out what stores in Maine that are close to the L-A region sell this type of fiddlehead? Thank you. — Karen, Lewiston


ANSWER: Your brother could order those fiddleheads himself online — that is, if they were in stock. If they were, he could buy them on the Internet at the Hard-to-Find Grocer ( for $4.29 per 15-ounce can. Unfortunately, it looks like there aren’t any available this year, but he can enter his email on their website, and they will let him know when they are available again.

As for this lack of availability, on the Facebook page of Belle of Maine fiddleheads, it says that “there are no canned fiddleheads this year due to the high demand of the fresh market ….sorry.” It also says “the dandelion market went out a few years ago and have not canned them in a few years now. the only canned products available at this time is dilly beans.”

Sun Spots didn’t find any other brand online. Perhaps readers will know of some fiddleheads that are available and where you can buy them to help your brother out.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Can you help? I am looking for bearings for a rocking chair. Can anyone help me locate them somehow? — No Name, Jay

ANSWER: Without more information on the type of rocker, Sun Spots isn’t sure how much help she can be. Have you checked at your neighborhood hardware store? The variety many hardware stores carry is amazing.

Sun Spots did find a website, ( that says it sells bearings.


You might also contact the manufacturer of your chair for help. Most companies have a website. If you go to the library, they can help you find a street address or phone number in order to contact them.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I work for the animals at the animal shelter in Lewiston. I am knitting blankets for the cats in the shelter. If you know someone who has yarn that they don’t use, please call me at 777-1593. I don’t have a car. If you could bring the yarn to me, I will pay for your gas. I am 86 years old. I really like my job. I enjoy knitting. It passes the day. — Germaine Nolan, Lewiston

DEAR SUN SPOTS: On Saturday, July 16, Danville Junction Grange will be holding its annual indoor yard sale from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. There will be a baked goods table, white elephant, raffle and much more. Luncheon will be served. To reserve a table at $15, please call 998-5331. No admission charge and great bargains!

Thank you for all the help that you give so many! — G. Ryder, Danville

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