It is time for everyone in Minot, Poland and Mechanic Falls to understand that RSU 16 is ours; not individually, but as a group. We own it, all together.

Saying anything else is counterproductive and will not save money for the taxpayers in the three towns.

When it was a school union, each town plowed its own schools with its own highway department trucks. When the school systems became a RSU, that practice mysteriously stopped, as if our schools didn’t exist anymore.

Now there is talk of putting plowing contracts out to bid as the schools’ snow equipment is wearing out. Additional costs can be averted if we go back to the old way of letting equipment that is made for snow removal do the job, like they used to do.

Those of us on the budget committees are trying to keep the the cost down for all taxpayers, in all three towns.

Ollie Emery, Mechanic Falls

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