It shows how blind some people are when they choose to be upset over the word “Gestapo,” used by Gov. Paul LePage in context with the Affordable Care Act (which is being forced upon us). They jump on a word that wasn’t expressed well in a statement.

I believe the governor meant Gestapo-like tactics, from the way it was used.

Some people choose to not hear the real message — that the governor was warning us. That is exactly how Hitler and his Gestapo were able to fool their countrymen and take over Europe.

Freedoms are being undermined by such things as wiretapping (legal now on anyone, not just criminals), cutting back on military bases (on pretext of saving money), deploying military forces to foreign lands that don’t support the U.S. just to keep them busy, the exorbitant gas and food prices, higher debt, selling out to China and that there are no jobs (which makes people feel there is no hope).

The governor comes across roughly, but he is trying to stop state overspending and take stock of what is already owed before bonding out more money. He is also saying that the federal government is passing laws daily that keep taking away the public’s freedoms (such as the freedom of speech).

We should all be as concerned. People need to open their ears and eyes to what is really going on, to the things we are being warned about. Don’t single out one word and pretend offense.

Sheila Richardson, Turner

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