DEAR DR. DONOHUE: For years, my doctor treated me for arthritis. Now he’s done an about-face and says I have something called mixed connective tissue disease. What happened to my arthritis? I feel like I have wasted years on the wrong treatment. Care to comment? — R.J.

ANSWER: Your story is classic for mixed connective tissue disease, MCTD. The connective tissues support the body, serve as the body’s scaffold and act as packing material. Ligaments, tendons, joints, cartilage and bones are connective tissues. Collagen is a protein common to these tissues. Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, polymyositis and dermatomyositis are the connective tissue disorders. In the early days of MCTD, patients almost always are told they have one of those five illnesses.

The symptoms of MCTD include muscle and joint pain and fatigue. Most patients have Raynaud’s phenomenon. Upon exposure to cold, the arteries that supply the hands turn white, blue and red, and hurt. The arteries have constricted in an exaggerated way in response to cold. Raynaud’s also is seen in the other connective-tissue disorders.

Later in MCTD, hands swell and fingers become puffy. That’s a sign that helps distinguish MCTD.

What helps to finally hit on the diagnosis of MCTD is finding a unique antibody in the blood of patients. It’s often not present from the start of the illness.

Treatment medicines are hydroxychloroquine and methotrexate. When need be, prednisone, one of the cortisone drugs, is prescribed. Most patients with MCTD respond to it very well.


Your doctor did a great job in finally making the diagnosis. It takes doctors years before they can piece the puzzle of MCTD together. It’s an elusive illness.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My grandson, age 10, had a sore throat, a high temperature and broke out in a red rash. My daughter took the boy to the emergency room. The doctors admitted him to the hospital. Within 24 hours, they had diagnosed him as having scarlet fever. Is this similar to rheumatic fever? From my childhood days, I remember rheumatic fever as being a serious problem, and it often left the child with a damaged heart. — K.S.

ANSWER: The strep germ, Streptococcus, causes scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, strep throat and a host of other diseases. These illnesses differ from each other in many ways.

You can think of scarlet fever as strep throat with a skin rash. The rash pops up on the first or second day of illness. It starts on the head, face, neck and chest, and spreads to the arms. Giveaway signs of scarlet fever are paleness around the mouth and a tongue that turns quite red and makes it look like a strawberry. If you run your hand over the rash, the skin feels like sandpaper.

Penicillin cures scarlet fever. For reasons not well understood, the incidence of scarlet fever has dropped off.

Rheumatic fever, another strep infection, is more serious. It can cause heart damage and heart-valve damage. It, too, is not as prevalent as it once was, but there have been recent outbreaks of it in the United States.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My sister has been giving her young son Sominex before he goes to bed. She says it puts him to sleep faster, and he stays asleep all night. I told her this sounds crazy to me. I suggested she was turning the boy into an addict. I told her I’d write for your opinion. What do you think? — M.A.

ANSWER: I think it’s wrong to give medicine to anyone, especially a child, who doesn’t need it. Your sister isn’t going to turn to the boy into an addict, but she’s not doing him a favor by giving him a sleeping aid when he really doesn’t need one. Even as innocent a drug as Sominex, an antihistamine, has the possibility of causing trouble. She should knock this off immediately.

Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Readers may also order health newsletters from

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