When John McCain (who was not a Republican favorite candidate) made his bold move by taking Sarah Palin as his running mate, Palin came out blazing like the wildfire now burning on the West Coast. She ended up destroying their chances for the White House.

Mitt Romney also made a bold move by choosing Rep. Paul Ryan. Ryan, unlike Romney, has a written plan to reduce the federal budget and re-do Medicare.

Many conservatives on talk radio wish that Ryan was the top man on the ticket and Romney his running mate.

The dangers that Ryan bring to the ticket include that he is very conservative and a tea party favorite; he is an old-thinking Catholic who is against birth control and all abortions; against equality for gays and lesbians, keeping marriage sacred for a man and woman only; he wants to completely cut or reduce food stamps; cut Section 8 housing support for the poor; and cut Medicare and Medicaid insurance for the poor, elderly and disabled.

A Romney/Ryan ticket supports making poor individuals poorer while the rich will be pocketing millions, leaving this country to be fair game for China or Japan to take over.

In November, it will be time for those people who are less fortunate to get out and vote, making sure that they will be provided for in the future.

Rolande Caron, South Paris

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