“Theater of War” will be presented at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 7 and “End of Life” will be presented at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 8. The performances are free and open to the public.

“Theater of War” presents readings of Sophocles’ Ajax and Philoctetes to military and civilian communities across the U.S., Europe and Japan. These ancient plays timelessly and universally depict the psychological and physical wounds inflicted upon warriors by war.

By presenting these plays to military and civilian audiences, the hope is to de-stigmatize psychological injury, increase awareness of post-deployment psychological health issues, disseminate information regarding available resources and foster greater family, community and troop resilience. This performance runs about two hours.

“End of Life” presents readings of Sophocles’ “Women of Trachis” as a catalyst for town hall discussions with the audience about suffering and death as it touches patients, families and health professionals who work in the fields of medicine, palliative care, hospice, geriatrics, nursing and clinical bioethics.

This unique, participatory event is intended to promote healthy discussion among diverse communities — public and professional — fostering compassion, cooperation and understanding about living with chronic suffering and the mortality we all share. This performance runs one hour.

Both play readings will be followed by a discussion with panelists from the community and facilitated town-hall style audience discussions. These performances will feature Adam Driver (Girls, Lincoln, J. Edgar), Joanne Tucker (Through the Yellow Hour, The Cherry Orchard), and Reg E. Cathey (The Wire, Lights Out, American Psycho); are translated, directed and facilitated by Bryan Doerries; and are produced by Phyllis Kaufman.

For more information, visit www.outsidethewirellc.com.

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