LIVERMORE FALLS — The Tri Town Seniors met at Murray Hall on Feb. 11 with 23 members present. A pizza party was held to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Gloria Bickford was welcomed back after a short illness and was also wished a happy birthday since she was unable to attend last week. John Beaudoin is still on the sick list.

The secretary’s report was read and accepted as read. In old business, Fern Doiron, president, asked Nancy Couture for ideas for the Easter meal and no decision was made though a ham dinner, boiled dinner or a chicken dish was suggested. Members will discuss the meal again next week to make a final decision.

Fern asked if the membership wanted music for the Easter meal or wait until the group has their “picnic” for the last meeting of the season. It was proposed and seconded that music would be on May 20.

On Feb. 18 a Chinese auction will be held, and a regular meeting will be on Feb. 25.

Following the meal John Whitmore came to entertain with some old songs. George Doiron led the group to join in and sing along.

Fern announced that there will be a pancake breakfast on March 16 at the Amvets Hall on Main Street from 8 to 11 a.m. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon and beverages will be served. The cost is $5 per person.

The 50/50 was won by George Doiron. Door prizes donated by Nancy Couture, Carole Redman and Fernande Doiron were won by Gloria Bickford, Marielle Labbe, Doris Tripp, Gail Laverdiere and Lorette Chabot.

Refreshments of Valentine cupcakes made by Nancy Couture were served following the meal. Due to the bad weather no games or cards were played this week.

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