AUBURN — The Androscoggin Historical Society elected officers at its annual meeting and dinner May 28 at the United Methodist Church.

Elizabeth Young is president; Michael Koch, vice-president; Douglas Hodgkin, recording secretary; Bruce Hall, membership secretary; and Richard Trafton, attorney.

Board members are Dorothy Bowyer, Russell Burbank, David Chittim, Douglas Hall, John Henderson, Maurice Poliquin, Barbara Randall, Merton Ricker, Karla Leandri Rider, Beverly Robbins, Marilyn Wilkinson and David Young.

By vote of the board, Connie Hitchcock was recognized with a certificate as Volunteer of the Year for rearranging the society’s library. Retiring president David Young recognized Douglas Hodgkin and Douglas Hall with the President’s Award for work as board members over the years, and thanked Joline Froton for her service as administrative assistant and Amy Young for keeping the office and museum clean.

The annual meeting was preceded by a social time that featured book tables, displays of recent acquisitions and a meal prepared by the women of the church. Dan Burgess provided piano music.

Members of the Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War Auxiliary presented a Civil War era fashion show. Participants were Delle Babbidge Pierce, Shameka Raoix, Kathy Gowen, Hannah Gowen, Rachel Kennedy, Monica McCusker and Beverly Robbins.

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