STRONG — Selectmen reviewed the town’s current financial status Wednesday night and voted to raise the tax rate.

Selectmen met with assessors’ agent Robert Worthley and raised the tax rate from $12.00 to $12.80 per $1,000 of property valuation.

The town is in good financial health, Worthley said.

Local appropriations are up about $35,000 over 2012, Worthley noted. Monthly, the town spends $51,000 for salaries, insurance and other costs. Strong also sends RSU 58 $66,800 each month. That minimum of $117,800 per month doesn’t include money for emergencies.

The town has spent $5,348 on paving, used $10,000 from the equipment operating budget, and spent the $8,500 approved at the March town meeting for a fire suppression system in the Forster Building kitchen. Since the town starts its fiscal year in January, funding for RSU 58 is paid for the remainder of the year, but costs continue to rise, Worthley cautioned.

“Our share of the school budget is up $50,000, and the county tax increased by $4,430,” he said.


The town has received $30,469 in state revenue sharing to date, he said, and can expect another $20,500 by Dec. 21.

With the state budget in flux, he cautioned against spending money before the town receives it. Selectmen can’t predict what revenue sources will stay the same in 2014, so appropriating money before it is received is a risky proposal.

“I have concerns about minimizing the overlay,” Worthley said. “Money coming to the town may be less, so taking more from surplus might be risky.”

Surplus funds must be approved at the annual town meeting, and selectmen don’t have authority to spend that money during the year to reduce the tax rate.

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