TURNER — Selectmen on Tuesday raised the tax rate 76 cents, to $15.74 per $1,000 of property value for 2013-14.

The increase was attributed to the Regional School Unit 52 assessment going up by $202,717 and state revenue-sharing going down by $51,764.

Selectmen decided to allocate $200,000 from the town’s unappropriated fund balance to help offset the school assessment increase.

Selectmen were encouraged that property valuation in Turner increased by $5.49 million. Even with a $3.46 million decrease from last year in personal property valuation, the town saw a net increase of more than $2 million in taxable property.

Selectmen expressed their appreciation to the Androscoggin County Budget Committee for the $1,637 decrease in the county assessment.

This year’s municipal budget is $12,661 less than that of 2012-13.

In other business, selectmen again tabled action on properties under tax liens and instructed Town Manager Scott LaFlamme to discuss repurchase timetables with the Maine Municipal Association.

Errol Additon was voted to be representative on the Androscoggin County Budget Committee.

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