FARMINGTON — Franklin County commissioners voted 2-1 Tuesday to pay salaried deputies at regular straight-time for their work at the Farmington Fair. If the rate needs to be adjusted, commissioners said they could revisit it later.

Commissioner Fred Hardy of New Sharon opposed the vote. He said when he had a salary job, he was not paid above his salary if he worked more hours.

He understands that the deputies are putting in more hours, he said, and that it is above and beyond their regular duties. He is concerned about paying salaried people more, he said.

Treasurer Mary Frank said she sent emails to other counties and Franklin County’s auditor to see how deputies were paid if they worked on special details outside their regular jobs. She has not received a response.

The county provides services to patrol the Farmington Fairground when the fair is going on.

Two salaried lieutenants filled shifts at the fair because there were not enough part- or full-time deputies to fill all the shifts, Chief Deputy Steve Lowell said.


The county raised its hourly rate to $36.60 earlier this year for outside details. The amount covers the county’s cost if a veteran deputy is paid overtime.

Prior to the change, the county was losing money, Sheriff Scott Nichols Sr. said previously.

The county has not encountered the salary problem before.

“We have never had salaried people work the fair,” Clerk Julie Magoon said.

When deputies work an Operation Stonegarden detail, it is outside of the job and they get additional pay, she said.

Operation Stonegarden is a federal grant program to enhance the security of U.S. borders and territories.


The fair was charged $1,000 less for coverage this year because manpower was reduced and the fair association was not charged for the department’s vehicles, Lowell said.

Even if you paid the salaried deputies time and a half, it would not exceed the rate, Lowell said.

Commissioner Gary McGrane of Jay suggested that this be worked out prior to the fair next year.

This was all new this year, said Nichols, who is serving his first year of a four-year term.

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