This is in response to a story in the Sun Journal on Dec. 6. To my shock and horror, Auburn’s school superintendent, Katy Grondin, was granted raises for the next three years. No matter how small, the news is disturbing to me.

She had presented two school budgets that taxpayers voted against, asked taxpayers to build a new school, made cuts to school department staff and oversaw the privatization of the school bus drivers. And yet she gets a raise with 100 percent of her health insurance cost paid for.

I don’t care how small the raise is. I am fed up with higher taxes, which translates to less yearly income, even though I am working 60 hours a week.

Like many Auburn homeowners, my taxes went up and my income did not. There is talk that next year there will be an even larger tax hike.

Finally, it should not matter what other superintendents make in other towns. This is Auburn, and officials need to find ways to cut taxes at the top, where the salaries and benefits are higher, and be more equitable to other employees of Auburn, and the taxpayers.

Martin Keim, Auburn

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