RUMFORD — The Board of Selectmen will hear two requests for support and discuss the next steps in marketing the Puiia Business Park at its meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, at the Rumford Falls Auditorium.

In a letter to selectmen, Gary Dolloff, chairman of the Greater Rumford Community Center’s Board of Directors, asked the board if it could consider granting a “donation to us out of the cable franchise fees for $10,000.” It would be used to “offset some program costs” and would “go towards making the building up to fire code. We could use the full $10,000, but any amount would help,” Dolloff said in the letter.

In other business, the board will consider a request from the Envision Rumford! group about the board funding the filing fee for the group to apply as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

“Envision Rumford! had spoken with Carlo Puiia before he ended his term as town manager regarding the town funding the filing fee of $850 required by the IRS for the 1023 application of Envision Rumford!,” Jennifer Kreckel of Envision Rumford! said. “Carlo had agreed that this would be something that the town could do out of its Economic Development fund, but apparently with all the end-of-year things going on, it did not get acted on.”

In the letter, Kreckel asked selectmen if they could act on the request at their Feb. 6 meeting.

“Getting our 501(c)(3) classification would enable us to apply for grants and other funding opportunities that are currently not available to Envision Rumford!,” Kreckel said. “We have great plans for Rumford, but we really could use the help from the town with the application fee.”


Selectmen will also continue discussions with Jim Rinaldo of Envision Rumford! on the next steps to take in marketing the Puiia Business Park.

On Dec. 19, selectmen unanimously voted to support a plan drafted by the two organizations to help market the park.

Glen Holmes, director of the Western Maine Economic Development Council, said then that the marketing plan would consist of three parts: distributing fliers to 2,500 light industrial companies in the Northeast that would promote the benefits of moving to the park, advertising a “request for qualifications” and advertising the park in the New England Real Estate Journal.

Other agenda items include:

* Request from Central Maine Power for pole permit.

* Discussion with Park Commission to replace a one-ton truck.


* Approval of Personnel Policy amendments.

* Appointments to Implementation Committee.

* Appointments to the Finance Committee.

* Approval of sewer assessment.

* Request for support by Kevin Saisi for FM radio station.

* Discussion on leasing a street sweeper.

* Easement signatures for Witas property at 343 Swain Road.

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