AUBURN — Auburn City Democrats will caucus Sunday, March 2, at Auburn Middle School. Doors open at noon.

The city clerk will register unenrolled and recently relocated Democrats from noon to 1 p.m. Check-in and seating will be from noon to 1:15 p.m.

The caucus convenes at 1:15 to elect delegates to the Maine State Democratic Convention in Bangor on May 30-31.

Auburn Democrats will also elect Androscoggin County Committee members and take nominations for officers to serve on the Auburn City Committee.

Democratic candidates running for office will make unscheduled appearances during the caucus. Regardless of political affiliation, special seating is provided for the media and any persons interested in attending.

Coffee and light refreshments will be provided. Attendees are requested to bring at least one item of nonperishable food to be donated to the Trinity Jubilee Center food bank. For more information, call Ed Desgrosseilliers 777-3125.

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