CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Matthew Broderick, 52; Rosie O’Donnell, 52; Gary Oldman, 56; Timothy Dalton, 70.

Happy Birthday: Search for ways to expedite your plans. You don’t have to share your secrets in order to get ahead. Gather information and formulate your game plan thoroughly. Once you have everything in place, execute what needs to be done with finesse and the confidence that it will help you obtain the goals you set for the year.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Keep up the momentum, but don’t make trouble as you move along. Someone may try to start a fight if you aren’t careful. Don’t take chances that can disrupt your personal or your professional life. Choose simplicity over complexity.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Back away from anyone questionable. You can achieve your goals without making unrealistic promises or getting involved in someone else’s scheme. Don’t let a personal relationship cost you emotionally or financially. Do something to benefit your community or neighborhood.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Stay on top of the information being provided by others. Not everything you hear will be factual. Focus on being the best you can be and enjoying the people who make you feel good about who you are and what you do.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Size up your situation and take action. Follow your gut feeling and make your move and decisions based on what you see and feel. Consider unique ways to change your daily routine as well as where you live.


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Follow your heart and your desires and you will find good fortune and good friendships. Opportunities will come through creative workshops, socializing or a self-improvement project you sign up for. Romance will improve your personal life and your attitude.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emotional upset is likely to surface. Communication is best kept open, honest and to the point. Problems agreeing with someone you have a joint investment with will lead to a stalemate. Be prepared to debate your reasoning and your position.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Share your thoughts and you’ll be given an opportunity to use your skills, expertise and knowledge to prove your point. Celebrating with someone you love will bring you closer together. A change in the way you live should be considered with caution.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Keep moving and keep everyone around you guessing. The more you do, the easier it will be to move closer to your destination. Travel to a unique place or try something unusual and you will expand your interests.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Take care of pressing matters at home. Making alterations to your surroundings will lift your spirits and impress someone you love. Look for bargains and cut corners wherever you can to eliminate financial stress. A romantic evening should be planned.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Finish what you start. It will be difficult to relax if you leave things undone. Friends and family will be upset if you renege on a promise made. Be sure to organize your time to fit both your professional and personal responsibilities.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Take an interest in personal investments and setting up a better health regimen. Taking care of your personal matters will give you a healthier outlook and attitude when dealing with work and money. Love is in the stars.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Push until you get your way. Be prepared to go it alone if someone isn’t willing to bend. There is money to be made and opportunities will develop if you use your creative imagination and present and promote something very unique.

Birthday Baby: You are curious, fair and helpful. You are adaptable and spontaneous.

Eugenia’s websites: Eugenialast.com for confidential consultations, eugenialast.com/blog for Eugenia’s blog, and join Eugenia on Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin

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