JAY — Selectpersons are still looking for residents to serve on a Street Light Committee, Steve McCourt, chairman of the Board of Selectpersons, said Monday.

The committee is tasked with making recommendations on what lights to turn off.

The board would like to have a committee of about seven people and would like some community members on it.

So far, selectpersons Pearl Cook and Justin Merrill, firefighter Darren Roundy and acting police Chief Richard Caton IV have agreed to serve on the committee.

Selectpersons and the Budget Committee have recommended that about 25 percent of the 397 street lights in town be shut off to save money in 2014-15. The new fiscal year begins July 1.

The proposed street light budget was reduced from $62,615 to $48,000 during budget deliberations.


Residents will vote on the overall $5.5 million spending package for the municipal government on June 10.

People interested in volunteering are asked to either call the Town Office at 897-6785 or stop by.

In other business, selectpersons agreed to cancel its next meeting that falls on May 26, Memorial Day. If something is pressing and needs immediate action, the board will reconsider its decision.

The next meeting is set for 6 p.m. June 9 at the Town Office.

McCourt also discussed the need to get more signs to direct people where to vote in the former Community Building.

McCourt said when he voted in April on the RSU 73 budget, he saw people trying different doors and were confused on what door to use to enter the building.


The Community Building was renovated as part of the Spruce Mountain Middle School last year. Entrance to the new voting space is on the side of the school that faces Route 4. There is a door to enter into the ground level of the building on that side.

McCourt also said Livermore Falls Town Manager Kristal Flagg is still waiting on a contract from RSU 73 Superintendent Bob Wall on using the space at the former Livermore Falls High School for the summer recreation program. Jay and Livermore Falls share the cost of the six-week program. This year, a $3,000 fee to use space in the former school is being discussed.

Once Flagg receives the contract, a copy will be sent to Jay so the town will also have a copy, he said.


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