LEWISTON — The resignation of Diane Duplissis was accepted May 12 by the Lewiston School Committee — albeit reluctantly.

Duplissis is the executive assistant to Superintendent Bill Webster, serving on the front line, compiling reports and handling calls and queries from parents, officials and reporters. She was lauded by School Committee Chairman Jim Handy for everything she’s done for Lewiston schools. He also jokingly called her “the quilting queen.”

“She’ll leave a big void,” Handy said. She does more than required, “and goes the extra mile. She’s an incredible multitasker.”

Handy said Duplissis handles calls from parents, even if they’re stressed, explaining policy and procedure in a compassionate way.

From a reporter’s viewpoint, there are different kinds of secretaries and public relations people; some have a tone that hint that reporters are a pest, while others are helpful, even cheery.

Duplissis fits in the latter, optimistic category.


Her last day is July 18.  Her retirement plans are to spend more time with her husband, Donnie, as well as more time quilting. All the best.

— Bonnie Washuk

Bishop on tour

AUBURN — Bishop Robert P. Deeley will continue his statewide journey through the Maine Roman Catholic Diocese this morning when he celebrates Mass at Saint Dominic Academy’s Auburn campus. 

After, Deeley will visit Rumford’s Holy Savior School, stopping in every classroom to meet and greet with students and staff.

Newly appointed Deeley is visiting 28 different churches this month to celebrate confirmation and first Eucharist for hundreds of Catholic children throughout the state.

Along the way, the bishop is stopping at Catholic schools to introduce himself as he continues to get to know Maine. Deeley, the former auxiliary bishop in Boston, was installed in February.

— Bonnie Washuk

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