LIVERMORE FALLS — The RSU 73 board welcomed two new members and set up two special committees Thursday night.

Tamara Hoke, librarian at the Jay-Niles Memorial Library, and Amy McDaniel, both from Jay, attended their first board meetings since last week’s elections.

They replace Vicki McLeod and Kathryn McAninch, who chose not to seek additional terms.

The board also selected a chairwoman and a vice chairman for the coming year.

Longtime Chairwoman Denise Rodzen of Livermore Falls ran unopposed for another three-year term and was re-elected. She was re-elected chairwoman.

Jay representative Michael Morrell was elected vice chairman, succeeding Livermore Falls representative Jackie Knight.


Rodzen asked the board to contact her with their preferences for standing committees that include finance, policy, negotiations, transportation/building and grounds/capital improvement, curriculum, instruction and assessment.

She also called for the formation of a committee to oversee the operation of the section of the former Livermore Falls High School that is home to the Adult Learning Center and some SMHS sports.

Adult education director Eileen Miazga and Spruce Mountain High School Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Lee Hixon will co-chair the committee, which will include Knight and other interested board members.

The Executive Building Committee will develop policies and a mission statement for operation of the section of the building. Miazga is working to make the building self-supporting.

The Principal Search Committee will be headed by newly hired Superintendent Kenneth Healey and those he chooses. Livermore Elementary School Principal Robert Kahler will leave the district at the end of the school year to take a similar position in Lisbon.

In other matters, the board learned of the high school juniors chosen by George Bunten American Legion Post No. 10 to attend Boys and Girls State leadership training. Attending Boys State at the University of Maine are Alex Greenleaf, Adam Wilcox, Andrew Wilcox, Matthew Vigue, Denton Bilodeau and Brandon Mitchell. Going to Girls State at Husson University are Abbie Hartford, Elizabeth Chretien, Emilly LaFleur, Caitlyn Beliveau, Katie Gordon, Patricia Ryan and Amia Pelletier.

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