As recently reported in two stories about the schools of Lewiston and Auburn — I think both are products of Common Core.

Auburn Superintendent Katy Grondin doesn’t know how many teachers the district has, as she didn’t include music, art or drama as teachers. I would beg to differ. We see quick results of the work of those teachers’ efforts through concerts, plays, etc. For the other teachers, we don’t see results until years later, when ex-students are trying to make change at a local store.

Lewiston’s Principal Linda MacKenzie outlined new proficiency-based guidelines. Let me see if I have it right — a student may get a failing grade for not doing homework, but if she can pass tests and quizzes, she will be OK. Also, students who fail an exam get to do do-overs until they get it right.

I am not seeing how that is getting students ready for real life. I don’t think colleges are going to offer do-overs. And in the business world, if you don’t follow procedures but still get the right results, I don’t think you’re going to be working too long for that company.

Schools have to have structure to ensure students are ready for reality, but I guess Common Core is going to ensure that future generations will depend on the government to get by.

Alan Elze, Auburn

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