NORWAY — A decision is expected Thursday by the Planning Board on the Granite Ridge Estate application for a rural lodge and luxury barn at 65 Delano Drive. The facility will host wedding parties and other events.

In early July, about 60 residents appeared at a Planning Board meeting to hear the proposal by Portland-based business owner Anthony Fratianne to use a barn that can hold up to 200 people for weddings and other functions.

The idea has drawn concern from neighbors, who are wary about the impact on the narrow road in the northern end of town. There are 18 houses along Delano and Nancy Ann drives. According to Planning Board documents, traffic to the events will go up Delano Drive, a private road off Norway Center Road.

Fratianne said this month that he will reduce the number of on-site parking spots from 80 to 20 and use a limousine company to ferry guests to the site.

An agreement was made for wedding guests to park off-site at Affordable Events LLC in Harrison and Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School in Paris, from where they will be transported by LA Luxury Limousine, according to limousine company owner Josh Tice.

Superintendent Rick Colpitts said high school Principal Ted Moccia talked to Tice and was told he could use the parking facilities if he followed school district procedures outlined in their policy. That includes completing a facilities use form prior to each requested use and paying the associated fees to the facilities. Colpitts said the limousine owner would need to do this every time he wants to use the parking facilities.

Norway has no zoning laws, and there are no guidelines on commercial business development in residential areas.

The Planning Board meets at 7 p.m. in the Town Office on Danforth Street.

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