DIXFIELD — River Valley Animal Advocates is hosting its fifth annual yard sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 15 to 17, at the corner of Weld and North streets.

President Becky McDonald said the organization has “received some nice donations this year.”

“The Oxford Federal Credit Union from Mexico gave us all of their leftover items from their own garage sale,” she said. “The Victorian Villa also gave us all of their leftover items. They’ve always been great to us. Last year, they gave us four truckloads of stuff. It’s unbelievable to look at the support we’ve received over the years.”

The garage sale will have “a little bit of everything,” McDonald said, with all proceeds going toward the group’s efforts to spay and neuter stray and feral cats.

McDonald said River Valley Animal Advocates has helped spay and neuter “well over 600 cats at this point.”

“We’re a small group, but we do a lot of work and have made a lot of gains this year,” she said. “We’ve gone to different towns and managed to get included in their initiated articles by proving that we cut down on the number of cats in town. Some people don’t realize that it’s an expense for the town’s animal control officer to take care of the stray cats in town.”

 McDonald said River Valley Animal Advocates has applied for a $10,000 grant from the Belvedere Animal Welfare Fund through the Maine Community Foundation, and is hoping to get a self-contained mobile trailer to “go to nearby towns and help spay and neuter cats.”


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