LIVERMORE FALLS — Selectmen agreed to go with E.J. Prescott of Gardiner to work with the highway crew to insert slip liners into three culverts on Moose Hill, Claybrook and Souther roads, Town Manager Kristal Flagg said on Monday

The culverts have deteriorated due to the heavy rains that have occurred since July.

The board voted Aug. 5 to spend up $23,000 on the project. The money will come from the paving account that also covers roads, she said.

It was initially estimated in July to cost $20,000 to $30,000 to replace the Moose Hill and Claybrook culverts. The slip liners will go inside the culverts, Flagg said.

Selectmen also agreed to ask voters at a special town meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 19, at the Town Office to consider withdrawing up to $22,000 from the highway equipment reserve account to buy a new engine for the 2002 General Motors plow truck and to have the clutch and pressure plate replaced. The engine would come from O’Connor GMC.

There was $69,694 in the reserve account as of Aug. 6.


Two cylinders in the truck engine are no longer working, highway foreman Bill Nichols previously said.

In other business, Flagg said selectmen approved a new sign for Union Park. The sign will be a donation, with no cost to the town, she said. Above the words “Union Park” will be an eagle, and below the name will be written “in memory of those who served,” Flagg said.

The sign will be black and gold.

Selectmen voted to go with Winthrop Fuel Co. in Winthrop for diesel and heating oil. The town is locked into a price of $3.185 per gallon, up 4 cents from last year for oil, and $3.189 for diesel, a 6-cent increase from last year, Flagg said.

She also informed the board that the Livermore Falls Downtown Betterment Group, working with the Jay, Livermore, Livermore Falls Chamber of Commerce,  wants to paint and clean up the skate park at the recreation field on Foundry Road, as well as the Foundry Road Path and the benches along it.

The work date is 1 p.m. Sept. 6, Flagg said. Paint donations and volunteers are sought.

Selectman Ron Chadwick has suggested painting each bench a different color, she said.

Christine Fournier, past president of the chamber, is organizing the work day in preparation for the Apple Pumpkin Festival, scheduled for Sept. 27 at the field.

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