NORWAY — An effort is underway to ensure that Norway children return to school in two weeks with all the supplies they need.

“Every year since I have became General Assistance administrator, I receive calls from parents about this time of year, wanting to know if there are any programs which help with the cost of school supplies,” Shannon Moxcey said.

The single mother said she remembers the stress of coming up with enough money each fall to get everything her children needed for school.

Moxcey said the General Assistance and Salvation Army programs she oversees for the town are designed to help with basic needs only and generally do not provide for school supplies.

“I have contacted many organizations, but because I am not a teacher or directly involved with the school, often I cannot even apply for these resources, and some charities have school supplies for children but not our school district,” she said.

Moxcey said she spoke to Town Manager David Holt about this issue and asked his permission to solicit donations of school supplies for children.


“He was 100 percent behind the idea,” she said. “He knows there are many poor families in our community and that “poor kids face a real stigma in school.”

Moxcey, who has a master’s degree in education, said children who have the supplies they need for school are more confident and secure and therefore more likely to perform well academically.

She said she contacted her supervisor at the Salvation Army for help. The organization gave her permission to spend $100 at the local Family Dollar store. Local students Ruby Morrison of Oxford Hills Middle School and Allissa Morrison of Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School went to the store with her to select age-appropriate supplies.

Next year, she intends to start fundraising earlier and hopes some larger businesses such L.L. Bean, which donate school bags, will help, Moxcey said.

For now, people who wish to donate can drop off items in a special box in the Norway Town Office lobby.

People who need help buying school supplies can contact Moxcey at the Norway Town Office 207-743-6651.

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