Recently, the Maine Republican Party sent out a mailer attacking Mike Michaud in his campaign for governor. The ad falsely claimed he is a job killer for a decade-old bill he sponsored that actually saved jobs at Great Northern Paper Co. in 2002.

That is a sad tactic used by Paul LePage and the Republicans to distort the facts and completely mislead voters.

The GOP’s deceptive claim could not be further from the truth. The mailer disgustingly uses lost jobs as political ammunition; furthermore, the Republican Party has attempted to capitalize on the financial hardships of Great Northern Paper in order to attack Michaud.

To have such a blatant disregard for the truth is misleading and immoral.

The Maine Republican Party has stooped to a new low. To recapture some semblance of dignity, party chairman Rick Bennett should set the record straight and address the manipulative nature of that kind of ad.

Philip Nelsen, Lewiston

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