The Weary Club to meet Saturday

NORWAY — The members and friends of The Weary Club will meet for coffee from 8 to 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 20.

The Weary Club is a part of Norway’s rich heritage and is a local institution. The public is invited to join for coffee, doughnuts and conversation.

CPR, first aid class set for Saturday

OXFORD — A CPR and first aid class will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 20, at the Oxford Public Safety Building.

Instruction includes basic first aid, CPR for adults, children and infants, and use of an automated external defibrillator.


On completion of the one-day class, a two-year certification in accordance with the American Heart Association will be given. This certification is accepted for day/child care providers, loggers, guides, teachers and any other non-healthcare related professions.

Call to confirm the date. Groups may request to schedule a class at their convenience. Healthcare BLS CPR recertifications are done as needed one-on-one.

The next scheduled classes will be at 9 a.m. Oct. 18, Nov. 22 and Dec. 27.

For more information, call Patty at 671-4460.

Indoor yard sale at Wilkins House

WATERFORD —  An indoor yard sale will be held from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 20, at the Wilkins House on Plummer Hill Road.


Organizers are constantly getting new items and have a good selection of household items, books and games. There are two men’s bikes available. All proceeds benefit the church and the Wilkins House.

Breakfast at VFW in Harrison

HARRISON — The Ronald St. John VFW Post, 176 Waterford Road, will hold its popular breakfast from 8 to 10 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 21.

The breakfast features scrambled eggs, French toast, pancakes, home fries, bacon, sausage, gravy and biscuits, sweet breads, fruit cups, orange juice and beverage. Adults $7 per person and children under 10 $3.

Maple Ridge Cemetery meeting

HEBRON — The 2014 annual meeting of the Maple Ridge Cemetery Association of Hebron will be held at 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 21, at 78 Greenwood Mountain Road.


Important business will be on the agenda, including election of officers and trustees. All officers, trustees and interested parties are invited.

For directions or questions, call 207-966-2023.

Shadagee Ramblers in Locke Mills

LOCKE MILLS — The Shadagee Ramblers will perform at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 21, at the Town Hall.

Kick up your heels or just listen. There is no charge; donations will be accepted for the Town Hall Repair Fund.

Finnish American Heritage meeting


PARIS — The first fall meeting of the Finnish American Heritage Society will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 21, at the Finnish-American Heritage Center, 8 Maple St.

Following a brief business meeting and coffee social, a program titled “Finns on the Titanic” will be presented by Tamara Cohen.

Bethel Area CROP Walk planned

BETHEL — The West Parish Congregational Church will hold its 10th annual Bethel Area CROP Walk (Churches Respond to Overcome Poverty) at noon Sunday, Sept. 21.

Walkers walk about three miles around Bethel Village and raise funds for local and worldwide hunger and poverty relief.

Seventy-five percent of funds raised support the efforts of Church World Service.


Twenty-five percent will support the Bethel Food Pantry.

For more information, call Jane Chandler at 357-3524.

Historical meeting on Ezra Stephens

HEBRON — Local historian Ben Conant will address the Hebron Historical Society on Tuesday, Sept. 23, on the life of Ezra Stephens, the 1800’s “P.T. Barnum of Maine.”

The 7 p.m. meeting will be at the Hebron Town Office, 351 Paris Road. The public is invited.

Annual fall yard sale in Albany

ALBANY — The Albany Improvement Association will hold its annual Fall Yard Sale on Saturday, Oct. 4, and Sunday, Oct, 5, starting at 9 a.m. at the corner of Vernon Street and Hunt’s Corner Road.

Proceeds will help pay for a well and indoor plumbing at the Albany Town House.

For more information or to make a donation, call 824-2568.

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