SABATTUS — The ballot for selectmen has been set after six people turned in papers to compete for three seats on Nov. 4.

Signatures were due at the Town Office on Monday by 4:30 p.m.

Treasurer Amy Duquette said Tuesday that Randy Gayton and Michelle Ames are running against each other for the one-year term left open when Selectman Paul Gagne resigned and moved to Lewiston this summer. Ames previously served on the board.

Jeff Baril, another former selectman and current member of the Planning Board, is running unopposed for the two-year term left open when Selectman Don Therrien abruptly resigned last week.

Andre Marquis, Les Gibson and Norm Estes are all vying for a single three-year spot. Gibson and Estes have served on the Budget Committee. Marquis is a former selectman who has temporarily filled Gagne’s seat for the past few months.

The three-year term had been held by James Wood, who isn’t seeking re-election.

Duquette said papers were also turned in for the School Board, Robert Gayton Jr.; Budget Committee, David Marsters; and water district trustee, Roland St. Amand and Rick Lacombe.

This story was updated at 11:09 a.m. Wednesday.

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