The condition of a property that apparently has fallen into a state of disrepair was discussed at the Bradley Town Council meeting recently.

The property, located at 63 Main Street, is owned by Margaret Shorette. Town officials have contacted her about the condition of the property, but Shorette has not replied.

While the property is in rough shape, Code Enforcement Officer Charles Norburg has opined that it is not a dangerous building under state statute definitions, nor are there obvious problems with the town’s land use ordinance that would allow Shorette to be sent a notice of violation Councilor Diane Walter, who lives next door to the property, stated she heard a crash recently and thinks a ceiling came down.

Town Manager Melissa Doane said legal advice was needed before the town could act further. Councilors opined that the roof of the property probably will come down eventually, and the town will have to condemn the home, and while Doane acknowledged the town has recourse, she said the property can not yet be classified as a dangerous building.

Councilors agreed to have a certified letter sent to Shorette notifying her of their concerns.

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