In looking ahead to the presidential election in 2016, I wonder if the voters will remember how President Obama dragged America to the edge of a stinkhole, unable to make significant or knowledgeable decisions. When he is pressured into making decisions, he becomes confused and decides to postpone the agony instead.

The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is a good example of a complete failure for the people and businesses that trust the government.

Hopefully, 2016 will provide a chance for redemption for those who voted for Obama if they vote for a qualified candidate who can accomplish what America needs in terms of economic improvements, immigration reform, a revised and affordable health insurance program and someone who has military command strategies to deal with the ongoing genocide by ISIS in the Middle East.

Voters may have been deluded by Obama’s misleading promises of his capabilities. The limited political knowledge he gained as a U.S. senator and displayed as president earn him a grade of “F” on his report card. In future history books, his accomplishments should be limited to a very brief entry, perhaps one page, and could be in small print.

Electing another president similar to Obama would prevent the public from being able to recover from what it must endure during Obama’s final years at president.

Closer to home, voters made the right decision by re-electing Gov. Paul LePage.

Robert Lacombe, Lewiston

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