I understand that Gov. LePage was re-elected by a wide margin, but I don’t understand the voters of Maine. I thought I did, by reputation and personal experience, but it turns out I don’t.

The results of the last election were stunning to me. LePage has been a laughingstock in the national press for years. He has behaved like a red-faced, foul-mouthed bully for years. He has behaved like a petulant child (as when he didn’t allow his department heads to testify to the Legislature because someone made him angry).

He seems to threaten anyone who doesn’t bow down and give him whatever he wants. He has cost the state well over a million dollars with the phony Alexander Group study (that never was), hiring private lawyers for frivolous lawsuits, etc.

He continually bullies anyone who stands in the way of what he wants. He uses threats and intimidation, in small ways and large. He has threatened the jobs of the forest rangers. He is now threatening to change state law pertaining to the duties of the attorney general. He threatened the head of the community colleges until the man had to resign his position. And he is threatening to tax nonprofit institutions — some of which can barely pay their bills now.

That type of behavior goes on and on. And that is what the voters wanted?

I am ashamed to have such a governor.

Why aren’t those people who voted for him?

Ellie Leight, Poland

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