CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Judah Friedlander, 46; Lauren Graham, 48; Victor Garber, 66; Jerry Lewis, 89.

Happy Birthday: You are advised to view each situation independently and come to your own conclusions and decisions using moderation and a realistic attitude. Expecting too much from anyone or anything will lead to disappointment and setbacks. Instead, focus on what you can do to ensure that you make steady progress. Honesty and integrity will help you avoid a mishap.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): An investment will pay off. Take the time to help someone out, and you will be offered a contribution or favor that will help you out legally, financially or physically. Follow your intuition when dealing with a money matter.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Positive action to improve your appearance will result in compliments, but also can lead to costly expenditures and debt. Don’t live beyond your means. Don’t contribute to someone else’s investment. Joint ventures will not turn out in your favor.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Say little. Listen to others and observe how they react. Consider how you can best use your skills to make a difference. Actions will speak louder than words. A romantic situation will boost your ego.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Check out different philosophies, religions and ways of doing things that interest you, and you will find a new direction that will help you overcome some of the impositions you’ve been forced to deal with.


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Step into the limelight and you will draw attention from others, bringing you greater control and confidence. Learn from the changes going on around you. Love is in the stars, along with self-improvement projects.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Important documents could hold you back or cost you if you overlook the fine print. You may be in a rush to close a deal, but don’t be overly hasty. A good friendship will develop if you participate in an evening event.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Take part in events that allow you to show your compassion and competitive desire to help others. Your contributions will change the way others view you and bring about an interesting union with someone who will help you face challenges.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You’ll have a greater interest in starting your own business. Avoid overspending or taking on more than you can handle. Baby steps and an innovative approach will lead to greater success. The groundwork will result in future stability.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Don’t spend to impress. If someone isn’t happy to be with you, consider moving on. An investment you make should benefit you, not those riding your coattails. Live bravely. Have the courage to go after what you want.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Your emotional attitude will cause confusion. You’ll have to make an honest assessment of what works for you and what doesn’t. Don’t let anyone railroad you into a situation that is costly. Avoid unpredictable people and situations.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You can make vocational changes if you are persistent, innovative and enthusiastic when it comes to promoting what you want to do. Invest in yourself and your future. Personal and professional partnerships will help you reach your goals.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Use your charm to get others to pitch in and help. Delays while traveling or dealing with institutions, government agencies or people in authoritative positions can be expected. Take care of details personally to avoid disappointment. Someone will try to hold you back.

Birthday Baby: You are forceful, outgoing and insightful. You are colorful and expressive.

Eugenia’s websites – eugenialast.com for confidential consultations, eugenialast.com/blog/ for Eugenia’s blog and join Eugenia on twitter/facebook/linkedin

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