ANDOVER — Conducting their first board meeting since the town meeting last week, Selectmen Chairman Keith Farrington and Selectman Jim Adler approved all but one financial warrant.

Farrington motioned to pay MacGregor Electrics $2,220 from the library grant from Stephen King and the Davis Family Foundation, but Adler declined to second it, so the motion failed.

Adler said he wasn’t going to second it because the contractor who has been installing chandeliers, track lighting and foyer lighting didn’t have a certificate of workers’ compensation yet for an additional employee.

Third Selectman Jane C. Rich was present via a conference call since she is still homebound recovering from injuries from a fall at her home in February.

The board approved paying the following bills: $2,368.44 to the Maine Secretary of State, $2,684.50 to the Viking-Cives Group for cutting edges for the town plow truck, and $1,551 to Tyler Technologies for work with the new school district, Farrington said.

In other business, Planning Board Chairman Mark Thurston asked if the town has a Comprehensive Plan Committee. He said he wants to be on the committee, but doesn’t want to chair it.


Farrington said they added people to the old committee.

Thurston said he’d conduct the first meeting until a new chairman was elected.

Treasurer Barbara Simmons told selectmen that the new fire chief, Justin Tibbetts, had given her a check for $332.90 received from metals turned in.

Selectman Adler, who is also an Andover firefighter, told Simmons not to deposit it until it’s determined which account the money should go into. He said some metals at the department belonged to the Andover Firemen’s Relief Association and some to the town.

The board also briefly discussed a letter from Deb Donovan about an alleged encroachment of her cemetery plot.

Farrington said the board cannot inspect the plot area until the snow is gone.

Farrington and Adler appointed Rich as General Assistance director, and Farrington appointed Adler as the town’s representative for the drug-testing program for commercial drivers with the highway department.

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