AUBURN — The second annual recipients of the Skelton, Taintor & Abbott Lewiston High School Mock Trial Team MVP Scholarship Award are Lewiston High School students Muna Mohamed and Drew Masse. Each will receive a $500 college scholarship from the law firm.

Mohamed is senior class president and a delegate to the U.S. Senate Youth Program. She was elected Governor of Girl’s State, is a Seeds of Peace youth leader and a student representative to the Lewiston School Committee. She will attend Tufts University in the fall to study political science and education.

Masse is a member of the Chamber Choir, the Drama Club and is a volunteer to Special Olympics. He will attend the University of Southern Maine in the fall to study musical theatre.

Lewiston High School teacher Michelle Crowley, coach of the mock trial team, said, “Muna and Drew are ideal recipients of this scholarship. They made a multi-year commitment to the mock trial program. Both demonstrated great leadership on the team and a ‘team first’ attitude in helping their fellow team members to improve their skills.”

In presenting the awards, Skelton, Taintor & Abbott shareholder and director Darcie Beaudin said, “Our firm is pleased to present its second annual mock trial team scholarship award to Muna and Drew. They exemplify all of the qualities that the firm wishes to support and were key members of the mock trial team. We have no doubt that both will be successful as they begin their college careers.”

Mohamed is the daughter of Safia Hersi and Abdi Mohamed.

Masse is the son of Raymond and Kim Masse.

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