I have been a consistent critic of the current governor, but his reign has entered into a new and troubling period.

In the past week he is alleged to have told a charter school that he would withhold government funds from that school if it went ahead with plans to hire an individual with which he has had many political battles. He has also been alleged to have said that he would like to shoot the cartoonist for the Bangor Daily News. This comment was made to a group of students who were in Waterville, and one of those students was the cartoonist’s son.

Most recently, it appears that he may also have said that he would like to have all the Lewiston legislators “rounded up and executed in the public square.”

Our governor is now willing to use his office to blackmail and threaten his political opponents. These are not the acts of a rational individual.

His supporters will say that he is just making harmless jokes. I say that they are jokes only until they are acted on. It is time, in fact way beyond time, to remove this man from office. He has been a nationwide embarrassment to this state and its citizens for long enough.

While watching a recent interview on the news I now see a man who is crossing over from being a clown to being a truly dangerous individual.

His rants are no longer buffoonery, they are dangerous.

Robert W. Tremaine, Livermore Falls

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