I have a small army, and I mean small, helping with the effort of keeping Auburn free of litter, graffiti and such items as dirty diapers behind Festival Plaza, human feces under the Longley Bridge, used condoms at Bonney Park, a marital sex aid across from the art wall on Main Street and a hypodermic needle that a young helper and I found in the city’s trash barrel at the small park at the Vincent Housing Complex in New Auburn.

We also find dozens of one-shot liquor bottles every time we are out picking up. My helper and I are going to join forces with Andie Hannon and kids from the Boys &  Girls Club for a cleanup day in New Auburn sometime soon.

I would like to ask for help from anyone who is interested in keeping those efforts going. Even those who are presently the problem can become part of the solution.

Larry Pelletier, Auburn

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