Old Town has applied to join more than 20 other cities and towns across Maine to be certified under the state’s Business-Friendly Community Program.

That designation would give Old Town recognition on the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development website. It would also allow the city become part of Maine’s business attraction strategy; additionally, Old Town would receive two Business-Friendly Community signs.

“The number one priority of my administration is job creation,” says Gov. paul LEPage on the DECD website. The Certified Business-Friendly Community Program is another step towards partnering with business, to ensure they have the tools and environment they need to expand and create jobs in Maine.

“It is critical that government at all levels work with job creators, not against them. Encouraging business expansion takes a partnership between local communities and the state. We all must be working together to reduce red tape and promote job creation in Maine. Our goal is simple, we want our local communities to partner with businesses and we want to identify those communities who exhibit a “can do” attitude.

Comments on Old Town’s application may be submitted in writing no later than Nov. 20 to: Andrea K. Smith, DECD, 59 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0059 or in electronic form tobizfriendly.decd@maine.gov.

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