Life as we know it today is very visual. Friends of mine and I listen to TWC’s Music Choice. They play golden oldies that were popular when we were younger. Every selection shows what the artist had looked like. We remember the songs, but in those days the artists’ pictures weren’t shown as they are today.

What does that have to do with anything?

Long story short — it has a whole lot to do with today and the era we are in.

I believe that everyone signing a petition or voting should show a photo ID. And if state and national voters were able to see a picture, on their ballots, of each candidate running, they would be able to make better choices.

Former Auburn Councilor Belinda Gerry of Auburn has spent many hours checking signatures on petitions for validation, taking time that could have been used for other matters. The signature of someone signing a petition who is not registered to vote, or who has moved, would not be counted.

Some would prefer not to show an ID. With any new idea, there is always conflict before coming to terms. Showing an ID would make each vote more accountable. And a visual choice on the ballots would make it easier for the voters, as well as the candidates running for election, eliminating unnecessary conflicts.

I believe this is something to be seriously considered and left in the hands of the voters.

Jeanne David, Auburn

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