I had a thought that no better evidence of the sad moral and intellectual state of our nation could be found than the fact that voters may be presented with a choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Crass, greedy, dishonest and foul-mouthed are just a few applicable descriptors.

Trump is not the sole owner of F-bombs, either. Clinton’s use of four-letter words, especially toward military and law enforcement personnel, is well documented in Buzz Patterson’s book, “Dereliction of Duty,” and other records.

However, there is another indication, even stronger, of the low level of thinking among the voting citizens in 21st Century America. They elected Barack Obama twice.

In addition to being dishonest, unqualified and corrupt, he has been the most racist president since Andrew Jackson. Obama was elected by people who think only in the affective domain (“If it feels good, do it.”) and was chosen simply because of his skin color — a totally racist decision.

To think that persons in the media actually made comparisons of Obama to Kennedy and Lincoln is way beyond absurd.

The possibility of Trump, Clinton or even Bernie Sanders, and the election of Barack Obama, displays the lack of historical knowledge and the absence of a transcendent set of normative, moral standards among the nation’s voters.

About Sanders — I traveled Europe and studied history. There is no place on Earth where socialist/communist governments have ever worked. The book of Acts tells of early Christians who tried. It didn’t even work among them.

William Van Tassel, Turner

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