LIVERMORE FALLS — Resident and firefighter Tom Barker presented selectmen Tuesday night with a petition signed by 78 East Livermore residents requesting that two firetrucks be placed in the front two bays of the town garage.

The petition requests the trucks be moved in order to provide better protection to that section of town than is currently provided. Most of those signing the petition did so within a few days of the special meetings held previously to discuss the fire station.

Barker, who is a firefighter in the Livermore Falls Fire Department, was asked by Fire Chief Edward Hastings IV to clarify that the petition was from a private citizen, not the Fire Department.

Chairwoman Louise Chabot said she wasn’t sure of the process, but would look into it and have the signatures validated.

Town Manager Kristal Flagg said in order for the petition to be valid, it would need to be signed by a number of voters equal to 10 percent of those who voted in the last gubernatorial election.

Engine 1 and Engine 2 are currently housed at the South Jay fire station. 


Barker said, “Those are the ones we’d like at the town garage.”

Hastings said he understands Barker’s concern.

The ladder truck and Engine 3 are being housed in a garage at 480 Park St., about ¾ of a mile closer to the East Livermore side of town than the fire station.

“We need to have more than a place to park the trucks,” Hastings said. “There is no place to clean equipment, deal with hoses or set up a computer needed to complete fire reports.” 

Selectwoman Mary Young asked Hastings to provide the board with details about department calls while the trucks have been housed in Jay. Information requested includes the number and types of calls, response times and geographic location of calls.

Livermore and Jay are providing mutual aid to Livermore Falls.


“I want to get us back home as soon as possible,” Hastings said.

Plans for the fire station are still being discussed. An informational meeting is expected to be held in early May.

In other business, Joseph Castaneda was appointed to a three-year term as a Water District trustee.

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